If you are looking for accommodations when booking a Live Free Diving experience or course, look no further! We have put together some of our favorite providers across the globe for you to easily navigate where to stay, eat, and go!

The Singer Oceanfront Resort
The newly renovated hotel, ‘The Singer Oceanfront Resort’ on Singer Island in Palm Beach Shores, FL. is an absolute favorite for those visiting Palm Beach County! This resort has oceanfront views, tasty restaurants, and beach access. Not to mention, a short walk or ride to where Live Free Diving has many excursions. Use the link below and receive 20% off your hotel stay! If you are staying more than one night and/or with a group of people. Please contact Live Free Diving directly so that we can assist with extended stay and group pricing.

Best Western, Palm Beach Lakes
Located in West Palm Beach, FL the Best Western, Palm Beach Lakes is a short drive to Live Free Diving excursions in Riviera Beach, FL. We love these accommodations for their affordability, continental breakfast, courtyard hangout & grill, and so much more!
If you are looking to book 5+ rooms, please contact livefreediving@gmail.com for a better rate!