Freediving Books

In this blog we will share with you some of our favorite books for freediving, as well as bonus topics such as spearfishing, breathing, and psychology books that we find helpful for Freediving

Best Freediving Books:
Deep, James Nestor
Deep by James Nestor is one of the first books we read when we became freediving instructors and is hands-down one of our absolute favorites! The book follows clans of extreme athletes, adventurers, and scientists as they plumb the limits of the ocean’s depths and uncover weird and wondrous new discoveries that, in many cases, redefine our understanding of the ocean and ourselves.
“In a world of seven billion people, where every inch of land has been mapped, much of it developed, and too much of it destroyed, the sea remains the final unseen, untouched, and undiscovered wilderness, the planet’s last great frontier. There are no mobile phones down there, no e-mails, no tweeting, no twerking, no car keys to lose, no terrorist threats, no birthdays to forget, no penalties for late credit card payments, and no dog shit to step in before a job interview. All the stress, noise, and distractions of life are left at the surface. The ocean is the last truly quiet place on Earth.” – James Nestor
Manual of Freediving, Umberto Pelizzari
The Manual of Freediving provides practical freediving knowledge from one of the best to ever do it, legendary Italian freediver Umberto Pelizzari. The book includes a history of freediving, and detailed drawings of underwater exercises, finning techniques and selected Yoga postures to enhance lung capacity.
Longer and Deeper, Jaap Verbaas
Longer and Deeper: Cross Training for Freediving and Spearfishing by Jaap Verbaas is an easy to read guide to freedive training. The book is perfect for the landlocked freediver as it includes many exercises to be used on dry land. Longer and Deeper will teach you the most efficient exercises, how to schedule workouts and recovery, and how to keep track of your training.
Best Breathing Books
Oxygen Advantage, Patrick McKown
Oxygen Advantage is a unique breathwork training program created by Patrick McKeown. The OA™ program exists to empower everyone with optimal breathing as a foundational tool for health, well-being and performance. The Oxygen Advantage book was our first taste in the OA program, and we found many applications for freediving! Much of the Oxygen Advantage program centers around Co2 training to establish optimal breathing habits.
Breatheology, Stig Severinsen
Breatheology is another school of breathing created by Danish Freediver and world champion Stig Severinsen. We had the pleasure of training with Stig in Vero Beach in 2019 and were super impressed with his work! Stig has created and compiled an incredible set of tools and techniques derived from 3 specific areas; 1.The art and science of breath control and yoga, 2. Research on human physiology and neurology, and 3 Modern sport exercise training and FLOW psychology
Just Breathe, by Dan Brulé
Dan Brulé is a world-renown pioneer in the field of Breathwork, and leader of the worldwide Spiritual Breathing movement. His book, Just Breathe, teaches us to reduce stress and anxiety, increase productivity, detox our body, balance our health, and find the path to greater mindfulness with this collection of signature breathing techniques.
“Breath is the ultimate key to your well being, and if done right, it has the power to transform your entire life- Physical, Mental and Spiritual… and Dan Brulé is the master to show you how” – Tony Robbins
Best Psychology Books for Freediving
Blue Mind, Wallace J. Nichols
Blue Mind is landmark best-selling book by marine biologist Dr. Wallace J. Nichols on the remarkable effects of water in all of its shapes and forms on our health and well-being. Combining cutting-edge neuroscience with compelling personal stories from top athletes, leading scientists, military veterans, and gifted artists, he shows how proximity to water can improve performance, increase calm, diminish anxiety, and increase professional success.
Letting Go, Dr. David .R. Hawkins
Letting Go by Dr. David R. Hawkins reinforces many of the lessons we learn in freediving such as surrender and acceptance to overcome mental blocks. Letting Go describes a simple and effective means by which to let go of the obstacles to Enlightenment and become free of negativity.
Best Spearfishing Books
King of Sling, Sheri Daye
King of Sling is a biography of South Florida’s most legendary spearfishermen, Art Pinder, written by fellow freediver
and spearfisher Sheri Daye. The book describes what it was like being a pioneer in the early days of South Florida. Art Pinder was one of the first to ever spearfish South Florida, starting with only homemade diving gear and later progressing. Sheri Daye’s writing paints a beautiful picture of what it was like to be a freediver/spearo in virgin Florida waters (before the periods of intense development and tourism).
Last of the Blue Water Hunters, Carlos Eyles
Carlos Eyles became deeply connected to the ocean world as a child growing up in Hawaii. His book, Last of the Blue Water Hunters describes the natural progression from a spearfisher to an underwater photographer.