Freediving Boats in Florida

Freediving Boats
In our ongoing efforts to improve connectivity in the Freediving Industry, and increase divers access to training, we’ve created this list of Freediving boats in Florida. These are licensed and insured charter captains and vessels that can cater to Freedivers. If you’d like to be added to this list, please send us an email
Live Free Diving
Location: Riviera Beach, Florida
Boat: 26’ Aquasport (Fins Up)
Owner/Captain: Farrell Tiller & Keke McBride
Social: @LiveFreeDiving
A Shore Thing Charters
Location: North Palm Beach Florida
Boat: 29’ Contender (A Shore Thing)
Owner: Tommy McElroy
Social: @ashorethingcharters
DX Divers
Location: Marina One (Deerfield Beach)
Boat: Lady Go Dive, 46’ Newton
Social: @dxdivers
***Freedive Friday trips held every Friday (weather permitting)***
Photo by @urakphotography
Calypso Dive Charters
Location: Riviera Beach Marina (Riviera Beach/West Palm Beach)
Owner/Captain: Luis Roman
Boat: 30’ Century
Social: @calypsodivecharters
Knot Guilty
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Owner/Captain: Spencer Stevens
Boat: 34’ Venture
Social: @spencerstevens89
Photo by @imgoincrzywannacome
Neritic Diving
Location: Lower Keys/Key West
Owner/Captain: Charles Duffie
Boat: 27’ Yellowfin
Social: @neritic Diving
Website: Neritic Diving – Diving Equipment | Spearfishing Expeditions
Photo by @cjduffie22
Reef Wrecker Charters
Location: Daytona Beach/Ponce Inlet
Owner/Captain: John Ellis
Boat: 23’ Key Craft Challenger
Social: @reefwreckerfishingcharters
Load’em Up Charters
Location: Greater Miami (will trailer to location)
Owner/Captain: Captain Sosa
Boat: 25’ Competition
Social: @capt_sosaa
Anclote Charters
Location: Tarpon Springs
Owner/Captain: Brandon Csaszar
Boat: 25’ Sea Hunt
Social: @anclotecharters
The Lazy Turtle
Location: Fort Lauderdale
Boat: 30ft Axopar
Owner/Captain:The Lazy Turtle Boat Group
Social: @thelazyturtleboatgroup